Thursday, October 27, 2005

Looney Lawsuits

The following are some examples of absurd lawsuits recently filed in the United States. These excerpts were provided by the American Tort Reform Association.

Woman Sues Phonebook Company Over Botched Liposuction
A jury awarded $1.6 million to a woman who claimed a phonebook company published fraudulent data that resulted in her disfigurement from liposuction surgery. The woman found an ad under the plastic surgery section that indicated a physician was “Board Certified.” The doctor, however, was board certified in dermatology and anatomic pathology.
Source: Oregonian, February 25, 2005

Startled Neighbor Successfully Sues Teens over Cookies and Won
Two teens thought they'd surprise neighbors with a nighttime cookie delivery, but a neighbor sued, claiming the good deed caused a severe anxiety attack.
Source: Denver Post, Feb. 4, 2005

Alcoholism Worsened by Train Crash
A train conductor settled for $8.5 million from a railroad after claiming a collision between his commuter train and a freight train worsened his alcoholism.
Source: Associated Press Feb 2, 2005

Student Stressed Over Summer Homework Sues School
A student whose vacation plans were spoiled has sued to end summer homework in Wisconsin, claiming it creates an unfair workload and unnecessary stress.
Source: Associated Press, January 21, 2005

Woman Walking Track Sues Railroad
A woman who suffered minor injuries when she was hit by a train while walking along railroad tracks is suing the railroad for more than $30,000 because she says the railroad didn't warn people that trains were likely to travel on the tracks she was walking along.
Source: Associated Press, November 5, 2004


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