Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Committee Leadership Announced

News & Information
At chapter meeting on September 28, President Ian Hennessey announced the new leadership of Tennessee Federalist Society's three committees. Each commitee serves as an umbrella committee for several smaller commitees with differing purposes.

Julie Miller (1L) was named chairman of the Madison Committee. The Madison Committee includes the Rules Committee, the Committee on Litigation & Tort Reform, the Committee on Free Speech & Election Law, and the Committee on Civil Rights.

Paul Forsyth (2L) was named chairman of the Hamilton Committee. The Hamilton Committee includes the Social Committee, the Committee on Federalism & Separation of Powers, the Committee on Criminal Law & Procedure, and the Committee on Law & Economics.

Keith Lowe (2L) was named chairman of the Jay Committee. The Jay Committee includes the Media Relations Committee, the Committee on International & National Security Law, the Committee on Environmental Law & Property Rights, and the Committee on Religious Liberties.

Congratulations to our new committee leadership. If you are interested in learning more about these committees, or are interested in joining, please contact Ian Hennessey.


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