Sunday, September 18, 2005

Supreme Court Battle

News & Information
On September 12, the Senate Judiciary Committee began its hearings to confirm Judge John Roberts at the seventeenth Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. If confirmed by the Senate, Roberts will replace former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who died September 4, 2005.

Though it appears Roberts will be confirmed, the battle in the Senate is far from over. The seat left vacant by retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor remains open and President Bush has yet to announce his nomination for the seat. Many political commentators predict a more heated debate over the next nomination.

Should the next nominee be a woman? A centrist? A conservative? Should the nominee have a strict interpretation of the Constitution?

Please join us on October 6 at 12:30 p.m. in Room 135 as the Federalist Society hosts John Lott, Jr. of the American Enterprise Institute. Mr. Lott will present a lecture entitled “The Judicial Confirmations Process” followed by a Q&A session.


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